Boston Dynamics Unveils Major Upgrade to Atlas Robot

New Video Shows Impressive Improvements

By Admin on March 14, 2024

Boston Dynamics Unveils Major Upgrade to Atlas Robot image

The Impressive Upgrade of Boston Dynamics' Atlas Robot

Boston Dynamics recently released a short video showcasing a major upgrade to their famous Atlas robot. The video, which many people may have missed, reveals the incredible capabilities of the Atlas platform. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of this upgrade and discuss the potential implications for the future of robotics.

A Closer Look at the Upgrades

One of the first noticeable changes in the upgraded Atlas robot is the modification to its hand gripper. In previous videos, Boston Dynamics used a two-prong gripper, which was harsh and non-gentle on objects. The new gripper appears to be more innovative and less rigid, allowing for more delicate handling of objects. This change suggests that Boston Dynamics is experimenting with new gripping technologies for real-world applications.

Another impressive feature of the upgraded Atlas robot is its ability to recover gracefully after tripping. In the video, the robot stumbles but quickly regains its footing, resembling the actions of a real person. This level of agility and adaptability is a significant advancement in humanoid robot technology.

Pre-Calculated Smarts and Real-World Manipulation Challenges

An article about the video demo mentions that some parts of the video were pre-calculated, such as the 3D scan of the object that the robot interacts with. While this may seem like a limitation, it demonstrates the level of planning and preparation required for the robot to perform specific tasks effectively. By pre-calculating certain elements, Boston Dynamics ensures that the robot can focus on real-world manipulation challenges.

The upgraded Atlas robot can lift heavy objects, recognize irregular objects, and recover gracefully after tripping. These abilities are crucial for real-world applications and highlight the advanced capabilities of the robot. Although picking up objects it has never seen before remains a challenge, the robot's progress in tackling manipulation tasks is impressive.

The Cost and Future Applications of Atlas Robot

Currently, humanoid robots like Atlas are expensive, estimated to cost at least $100,000. However, considering the rapid advancements in technology and economies of scale, the price of these robots may decrease in the future. While it may take some time before they become more accessible to the average person, they have the potential to revolutionize various industries.

Boston Dynamics has not disclosed specific industries for Atlas's application, but the possibilities are vast. With its enhanced gripping capabilities and agility, the Atlas robot could be utilized in manufacturing, logistics, or even hazardous environments where human workers may be at risk. The future of humanoid robots like Atlas holds exciting potential for automation and innovation.


The major upgrade to Boston Dynamics' Atlas robot signifies a significant step forward in robotic technology. The improved gripping mechanism, the ability to recover after tripping, and the focus on real-world manipulation challenges demonstrate the impressive capabilities of this humanoid robot. While the cost and accessibility of these robots may still be a barrier, their potential for meaningful work outside of the lab is undeniable. It's only a matter of time before we witness the impact of advanced humanoid robots like Atlas in various industries.