News / AI

Governments Worldwide Respond to the Rise of AI with Regulation

As AI technology continues to develop, governments are taking steps to regulate its use.

By Admin on June 27, 2023

Governments Worldwide Respond to the Rise of AI with Regulation image
"As artificial intelligence (AI) technology continues to develop, governments worldwide are responding with a variety of regulatory measures. These measures aim to address the potential risks of AI, such as bias, discrimination, and job displacement, while also encouraging the responsible development and use of this powerful technology. One of the most comprehensive AI regulations is the European Union's Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA). The AIA, which is currently under negotiation, would establish a risk-based regulatory framework for AI systems. The framework would categorize AI systems according to their risk level and would impose different requirements on different categories of systems. For example, high-risk AI systems would be subject to mandatory ex-ante (before deployment) assessments, while low-risk AI systems would be subject to only voluntary guidelines"

"The United States has not yet enacted comprehensive AI regulation, but the Biden administration has proposed a number of measures to address the risks of AI. These measures include the creation of a White House Office of Artificial Intelligence and a National Artificial Intelligence Initiative, as well as the development of ethical guidelines for the development and use of AI. China is also taking steps to regulate AI. In 2017, the Chinese government released the ""New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan,"" which outlines the country's AI development goals and strategies. The plan also calls for the development of AI regulations to address issues such as data security and intellectual property protection. ""The development of artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword,"" said European Commission Vice President Margrethe Vestager. ""It has the potential to do great good, but it also poses risks that we need to address."""

"The regulation of AI is a complex and challenging issue. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and different countries will need to adopt different regulatory frameworks that are tailored to their specific needs and circumstances. However, it is clear that regulation is essential to ensure that AI is developed and used in a responsible and ethical way. The regulation of AI is still in its early stages, but it is an issue that is gaining increasing attention from governments worldwide. As AI technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more regulatory measures being adopted in the years to come."