OpenAI's latest leaks about Q* - World's first AGI

Q* was first heard about a few months ago, around the time that Sam Altman was temporarily fired from Open AI

By Admin on March 27, 2024

OpenAI's latest leaks about Q* - World's first AGI image

Introduction to Q*

Q*, which stands for Question-Answering Robot, is a revolutionary concept that has been generating a lot of buzz lately. It is believed to be a development by Open AI that precedes Ilia Suvakov starting a mutiny and trying to kick out Sam Altman. Q* is thought to be a breakthrough in the search for artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is defined as autonomous systems that can surpass humans in most economically valuable tasks.


Q* was first heard about a few months ago, around the time that Sam Altman was temporarily fired from Open AI. Despite confirming the existence of Q*, no specific details were shared about its functionality. Rumors and speculation surrounding Q* suggested that it could be a breakthrough in the search for AGI, with the ability to solve complex mathematical problems and perform broader planning.

Key Components of Q*

There are two main components that have been associated with Q*:

  • Self-play: This involves an agent improving its gameplay by playing against slightly different versions of itself, progressively encountering more challenging situations.
  • Look ahead planning: This involves using a model of the world to reason into the future and produce better actions or outputs, which current large language models don't do very well at all.

Rumors and Speculations

There have been numerous rumors and speculations surrounding Q* and its implications. While some of these are unverified, they provide interesting insights into the potential of Q*. Here's a breakdown of some of the key rumors and speculations:


Initially, rumors about Q* emerged around the time Sam Altman was temporarily fired from Open AI. During an interview, he acknowledged the existence of Q* but refrained from providing any specific details about its functionality.

Original Beliefs

Q* was initially believed to be a breakthrough in the search for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). It was thought to possess the ability to excel in solving complex mathematical problems and performing broader planning, which current large language models struggle with.

Key Components

Two main components associated with Q* have been discussed:

  • Self-play: Q* is said to involve an agent improving its gameplay by playing against slightly different versions of itself, progressively encountering more challenging situations. This technique has been used in systems like AlphaGo and Nvidia's research.
  • Look ahead planning: Q* is rumored to utilize a model of the world to reason into the future and produce better actions or outputs, which current large language models struggle with.

New Information

Recent leaks have surfaced regarding new information about Q*, suggesting a revolutionary approach to large language models. This includes the use of energy-based models and a significant departure from traditional language modeling techniques.

Understanding Q*'s Components

Q*, also known as Question-Answering Robot, is a complex concept that involves several key components. By understanding these components, we can gain insight into the potential implications of Q* in the field of artificial general intelligence (AGI). Let's break down the key components of Q*:


Self-play in Q* involves an agent improving its gameplay by playing against slightly different versions of itself, gradually encountering more challenging situations. This technique has been utilized in systems such as AlphaGo and Nvidia's research. With advancements in processing power, the ability to run simulations at a large scale has become possible, making self-play a powerful architecture for achieving high intelligence or even AGI.

Look ahead planning

Q*'s look ahead planning involves using a model of the world to reason into the future and produce better actions or outputs. Unlike current large language models, Q* aims to have a broader understanding of problems it's tasked to solve, including long-term planning. This departure from traditional language modeling techniques represents a significant shift in the approach to large language models.

Energy-based Model

New leaks have revealed that Q* may utilize an energy-based model, which is a departure from the prevalent autoregressive token prediction methods. Energy-based models in artificial intelligence are defined by an energy function that associates a scalar energy value with each configuration of the variables of interest. This allows Q* to assess the compatibility of an answer to a given prompt through a scalar output, signifying the energy of the response.

Abstract Representation Space

Q*'s innovation lies in its optimization process, which occurs in an abstract representation space rather than within the space of possible text strings. This approach allows Q* to navigate an optimization landscape and refine abstract representations toward those that yield the lowest energy in relation to the prompt. By moving beyond just language, Q* introduces a more efficient and reasoned method for generating dialogue responses.

Implications and Future Developments

The leak about Q* and its potential implications represents a significant departure from traditional language modeling techniques. If the leak is accurate, it introduces a new method for generating dialogue responses that leverages energy-based models (EBM) for dialogue generation. This approach shifts the focus towards the inference of latent variables, reminiscent of constructs in probabilistic and graphical models, fundamentally altering how dialogue systems operate.

The effectiveness of Q* hinges on the intricacies of its EBM, the optimization landscape it navigates, and the accuracy of its abstract representations. The model's capacity to simulate deep reasoning akin to human deliberation sets a new benchmark for dialogue systems. This means that Q* could potentially lead to more efficient, reasoned, and more powerful methods for generating dialogue responses in the future.

Technical Considerations

The leak also highlights the technical considerations of Q*, including the interplay between the EBM, the optimization landscape, and the abstract representations. These technical aspects are crucial for the effectiveness of the model and its ability to simulate deep reasoning similar to human deliberation.