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  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

1,2, known in English as Arithmetic Kids (for first and second graders), is a GPT designed to generate basic arithmetic problems for young learners. This tool offers a unique approach to assist learners in practicing their math skills at a beginner level. It primarily focuses on the first and second graders, equating the aptitude of young learners who are just beginning to explore the world of numbers and arithmetic. The GPT creates an interactive learning platform by generating mathematics problems, providing users the opportunity to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Upon sign-up, it greets with a welcoming message 'Hello! Ready for some math?'. It then uses various prompt starters such as '', '', '', '', loosely translated as 'Give me an addition problem', 'Give me a subtraction problem', 'Give me a multiplication problem', 'Give me a division problem', respectively in English.Being a GPT integrated with the ChatGPT Plus, this tool accommodates direct language input, increasing the engagement level of the users. It piques the interest of young learners by facilitating an enjoyable and interactive learning environment that goes beyond typical math drills. This not only expands their understanding of basic arithmetic but also strengthens their problem-solving skills. Built by a developer named Mameneko, this GPT underlines the assimilation of AI in educational tools to foster a better learning experience for young scholars.

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