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About This Tool

AppTek is an AI language technology company that provides a suite of tools for automatic speech recognition (ASR), neural machine translation (NMT), text-to-speech (TTS), and natural language understanding (NLU). AppTek's technologies are used by businesses and organizations around the world to improve communication, accessibility, and productivity.

AppTek's ASR technology is used to transcribe speech into text with high accuracy. This can be used for a variety of applications, such as transcribing meetings, creating subtitles for videos, and generating transcripts for closed captioning. AppTek's ASR technology is also used by Zoom to power its live transcription and translation features.

AppTek's NMT technology is used to translate text from one language to another with high accuracy. This can be used for a variety of applications, such as translating documents, translating websites, and translating marketing materials. AppTek's NMT technology is also used by Google Translate to power its translation services.

AppTek's TTS technology is used to generate natural-sounding speech from text. This can be used for a variety of applications, such as creating audiobooks, generating synthetic voices for chatbots, and creating training materials for language learners. AppTek's TTS technology is also used by Amazon Alexa to power its voice assistant.

AppTek's NLU technology is used to understand the meaning of text. This can be used for a variety of applications, such as extracting keywords from documents, classifying text, and generating summaries of text. AppTek's NLU technology is also used by Google Search to power its search results.

AppTek's AI tools are used by businesses and organizations around the world to improve communication, accessibility, and productivity. AppTek's customers include Zoom, Google Translate, Amazon Alexa, and many others.

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