Calendar Link Generator

  • 119 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

Calendar Link Generator is a Generative Pre-training Transformer (GPT) that specializes in creating Google Calendar URLs. This GPT is aimed at helping users schedule and manage events, making it easier to organize and share event information real-time. It involves a conversational interface where users feed in their commands and in return, they obtain Google Calendar URLs that correspond to the specified events, appointments or meetings.The primary function of this GPT is to aid in generating URLs for Google Calendar events. It allows users to draft an event by providing details like the event title, start and end timing, attendees, and location. After the information is processed, a URL is generated which when clicked, leads to an event page on Google Calendar prefilled with the details provided earlier. This feature makes it less tedious for users to schedule and share several events, meetings, or appointments. For instance, users can use commands like 'Make a calendar event for...', 'Generate a URL for an appointment on...', 'I need to schedule...', or 'Set up a meeting for...' to have the GPT generate a Google Calendar URL for the desired schedule.To be able to use the Calendar Link Generator, users have to sign up to chat with the GPT. Despite its specificity, it introduces a degree of automation into scheduling and event planning, making it a useful tool for both personal and professional applications.

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