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About This Tool

Campbell AI-powered performance reviews

Campbell is an AI-powered performance review tool that helps managers write better, more efficient performance reviews. With Campbell, managers can simply enter their feedback and the tool will generate a complete, professional performance review in seconds.

Campbell is easy to use and customizable. Managers can choose the tone and language of their reviews, as well as writing reviews for direct reports, managers, and peers in a 360-degree feedback process. Campbell also stores data securely and is easy to use.

Benefits of using Campbell

Save time Campbell can save managers hours of time by automating the performance review process.

Improve accuracy Campbell uses AI to generate reviews that are more accurate and objective than those written by humans.

Increase employee engagement Campbell's customizable reviews can help employees feel more valued and appreciated.

Improve decision-making Campbell's data-driven insights can help managers make better decisions about employee development and compensation.

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