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About This Tool

Cogram The AI Tool That Takes Your Meetings to the Next Level

Cogram is an AI-powered tool that helps you take notes, identify action items, and track progress in your meetings. It integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, and other popular video conferencing platforms, so you can start using it right away.

Cogram's AI-powered transcription engine is highly accurate, even with accents and jargon. It can also identify action items and key takeaways from your meetings, so you can stay on track and make sure nothing important is forgotten.

Cogram's notes and summaries are automatically organized and tagged, so you can easily find the information you need. You can also share your notes with others, or export them to a variety of formats, including PDF, Word, and CSV.

In addition to its meeting-taking capabilities, Cogram can also help you automate downstream tasks. For example, you can set Cogram to automatically create tasks in your CRM or project management tool, or to send follow-up emails.

Cogram is a powerful tool that can help you save time and improve your productivity. It's easy to use and integrates seamlessly with your existing workflow. If you're looking for an AI tool to take your meetings to the next level, Cogram is the perfect choice.

Here are some of the key benefits of using Cogram

Automatic note-taking Cogram's AI-powered transcription engine takes notes for you, so you can focus on the meeting.

Identify action items Cogram automatically identifies action items from your meetings, so you can stay on track and make sure nothing important is forgotten.

Track progress Cogram tracks progress on action items, so you can see what's been done and what still needs to be done.

Automate downstream tasks Cogram can automate downstream tasks, such as creating tasks in your CRM or project management tool, or sending follow-up emails.

Easy to use Cogram is easy to use and integrates seamlessly with your existing workflow.

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