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About This Tool

/n Contractify's software is designed to help businesses streamline their contract management processes, making it easier to create, manage, and sign contracts. The platform offers a range of features, including e-signing, workflow automation, and contract analytics. With Contractify, teams can collaborate more effectively and make informed decisions about their contracts. /n One of the key benefits of Contractify is its ability to simplify the contract creation process. The platform offers a user-friendly drafting assistant that combines AI technology with the user's expertise to create contracts quickly and accurately. This feature allows teams to create contracts without the need for legal assistance, saving time and money. /n Contractify also offers a range of workflow automation features that enable teams to streamline their contract management processes. The platform's workflow automation capabilities allow teams to automate tasks such as approvals, notifications, and reminders, making it easier to manage contracts effectively. /n In addition to its core features, Contractify also offers a range of contract analytics tools. The platform's AI contract data analyst, named Ada, can extract contract data from PDFs and provide automated follow-up tasks for managing contracts effectively. This feature allows teams to gain valuable insights into their contracts and make more informed decisions about their contract management strategies. /n Contractify's software is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for teams to get started with contract management. The platform offers personalized demos and is praised by industry leaders for its intelligent contract management capabilities. Pricing starts at €147 per month, and the company provides customer support and has locations in Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. Overall, Contractify is a powerful contract management platform that can help businesses streamline their contract management processes and make more informed decisions about their contracts.

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