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About This Tool

Coral is a complete toolkit for building products with local AI. It includes a range of hardware and software components that allow you to run machine learning models on edge devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and cameras.

Coral's hardware components include

The Edge TPU, a small, low-power chip that can accelerate machine learning inference.

The Coral USB Accelerator, which adds an Edge TPU to your computer or other device.

The Coral Dev Board, a development board that includes an Edge TPU, a camera, and other sensors.

Coral's software components include

The Coral SDK, which provides APIs for running machine learning models on Edge TPUs.

The Coral Runtime, which manages the execution of machine learning models on Edge TPUs.

The Coral Training Tools, which can be used to train machine learning models for use on Edge TPUs.

Coral can be used for a variety of applications, including

Object detection Coral can be used to detect objects in images and videos.

Image classification Coral can be used to classify images into different categories.

Speech recognition Coral can be used to recognize speech and convert it into text.

Natural language processing Coral can be used to process natural language, such as understanding the meaning of text and generating text.

Coral is a powerful and versatile AI tool that can be used to build a wide range of products. It is easy to use and accessible to developers of all levels

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