
  • 144 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

CourseCreatorGPT is a Generative Pre-training Transformer (GPT) that focuses on confirming topics and designing interactive online courses. It functions as an extension to ChatGPT and requires a ChatGPT Plus subscription. Its primary purpose is to assist users in generating and organizing online course content swiftly and efficiently. The interaction with CourseCreatorGPT begins with a welcome message, guiding the user to confirm their course topic and start the creation process. It has various prompt starters designed to assist with different aspects of online course creation. The GPT can confirm the course topic, plan the structure, guide on starting an online course, help in designing self-learning materials for a course, and even outline a complete online course which may include elements such as Zoom meetings and quizzes. This tool leverages AI to streamline and simplify the course creation process, potentially making it an indispensable tool for educators, content creators, and e-learning professionals.

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