Crack Fortune

  • 122 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

Crack Fortune is a GPT that is primarily used for generating fortunes or unfortunes in a creative manner, resembling those found in real-life fortune cookies. These fortunes could be motivating, uplifting, humorous or even potential forecasts based on the whims of the AI. The Unfortune Biscuits features work similarly, generating statements which are more themed towards quirkiness, humor or unexpected twists. This GPT was built on top of OpenAI's ChatGPT model and it requires that users have a ChatGPT Plus subscription. The signing up process implies that the tool has a user-based interface where interactions, presumably in the form of 'cracking' open a virtual cookie, can take place. The welcome message and prompt starters suggest an automated interaction with the user where they may initiate the generation of fortunes or unfortunes. Despite not having much specific details about its functionalities or how the fortunes and unfortunes are generated, it is safe to assume that the tool utilizes language generation algorithms of ChatGPT to generate these messages. The URL link implies that the tool may have an associated website where users can use and experience the full functionality of the GPT.

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