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1. The new policy requires all employees to wear a uniform to work. 2. The uniform will be provided by the company. 3. The uniform will consist of a white shirt and black pants or a skirt. 4. The policy also states that all employees must wear their ID badge at all times while at work. 5. The ID badge will be provided by the company as well. 6. The policy will go into effect on January 1st of next year. 7. Any employee who does not comply with the policy will be subject to disciplinary action. 8. The company will provide training on the policy for all employees before it goes into effect. 9. The policy will be reviewed and updated annually or as needed. 10. The policy applies to all employees, including temporary and contract workers. 11. The policy will be communicated to all employees through various channels, including email, posters, and meetings. 12. The policy is in place to maintain a professional image for the company and to ensure uniformity among employees. 13. The policy will help to prevent confusion and misidentification of employees. 14. The policy will also help to promote a sense of unity and teamwork among employees. 15. The policy is an important aspect of the company's overall dress code policy.

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