Debate Master

  • 101 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

Debate Master is a GPT developed to engage users in civil, structured debates on a wide array of topics. This GPT is designed to enhance interaction caused by disagreement or divergent ideas, however, it is firmly rooted in civility. Debate Master facilitates discussions, prompting users with diverse subjects such as renewable energy, fast food, classical education, and the gig economy. These debate subjects serve as a starting point where the tool can either argue for or against a topic as per the users command. The function of Debate Master is not limited to predefined discussions only. It is sophisticated enough to discuss any topic of the user's choosing, providing a platform for enriching explorations of divergent viewpoints in a respectful manner. This GPT functions on top of ChatGPT and requires a ChatGPT plus subscription for access and use. It was developed by Andrew Gao, with the focus of creating an AI tool that can foster intelligent debates while maintaining a polite and respectful discussion environment. Debate Master is more than just a debating tool; it is fashioned to help users learn and grow by understanding different perspectives on a variety of subjects. It carves out a unique niche among AI powered applications, seeking to encourage thoughtful discourse and critical thinking among its users.

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