Design Sparks

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About This Tool

Design Sparks can be used to generate ideas for design projects, brainstorming, innovation, and creative problem-solving. It can be used by individuals or teams to generate ideas for design projects, brainstorming, innovation, and creative problem-solving. Design Sparks can be used by anyone, including students, professionals, and businesses. The app is available on both web and mobile platforms, making it accessible to a wide range of users. The app's user-friendly interface and interactive features make it easy to use, even for those without prior experience in design or creativity. Design Sparks is a valuable tool for anyone looking to enhance their creativity and problem-solving skills, and can be used in a variety of settings, including education, business, and personal projects. The app is constantly evolving and improving, with new features and updates added regularly. The app is available for free to use, but users can purchase a premium subscription for additional features and benefits. The app is available for free to use, but users can purchase a premium subscription for additional features and benefits. In conclusion, Design Sparks is a powerful tool for creativity and problem-solving, offering a unique blend of AI-generated ideas and human creativity. The app is accessible to a wide range of users and can be used in a variety of settings, including education, business, and personal projects. With its user-friendly interface and constantly evolving features, Design Sparks is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their creativity and problem-solving skills.

In the world of design, creativity and problem-solving are essential skills for success. However, coming up with innovative and effective solutions to complex problems can be challenging, even for experienced designers. That's where Design Sparks comes in – a web-app developed by the National Centre for Creativity enabled by AI (CebAI) that uses well-established creative problem-solving techniques alongside AI to generate design ideas. By inputting design problems or ideas into the app, users can generate sparks, or design ideas, which they can save and browse for later use. Users can also focus their idea generation by clicking on extracted topics, ask the AI to generate more ideas based on a specific spark, or adjust topic settings to analyze rare, common, or random themes. What sets Design Sparks apart from chatbots like ChatGPT is its interactive creativity prompts, curated knowledge, and insights components. The app was developed to increase workforce creativity and improve productivity, competitiveness, and critical thinking, and was funded by Research England, with contributions from City, University of London, and over 20 industrial partners

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