Exam Ready Now by Mike Wheeler

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About This Tool

Exam Ready Now by Mike Wheeler is a GPT that is designed to assist in preparation for Salesforce Certifications. The GPT aids users by generating practice tests, extracting topics from exam guides, determining the optimal Salesforce flow, crafting flashcards, and creating in-depth study guides. The GPT begins by asking the user to specify a particular Salesforce Certification. Based on the selected certification, it retrieves the corresponding exam guide to extract topics and knowledge areas. The GPT then generates a diverse range of scenario-based multiple-choice and multi-select questions related to all the knowledge areas. The performance concludes with a final percentage score and reference to the related knowledge area for each question.An essential feature it offers is the 'Topic Extractor' which lists out all the extracts from the respective Certification Exam Guide on screen, with users having an option to receive it as a downloadable checklist. The 'Study Guide Generator' feature asks the user to select a specific knowledge area or topic and then crafts a comprehensive study guide.The 'Flashcard Generator' function creates an interactive set of flashcards for each knowledge area, which are HTML integrated with Javascript to allow seamless browser viewing or online IDE storage. Each flashcard set is also available for download in various formats on request.Flow GPT is a facet that probes user requirements and user stories to identify the appropriate Salesforce flow best suited for their operational needs. It guides the user into crafting a Requirements Document, evolving into a High-Level Design Document, and finally, into a Detailed Design Document, including test and deployment strategies. The progress of this process is carried out through engaging iterative questions.The GPT ensures to keep the Practice Test Generator up-to-date, by excluding retired processes like Process Builder and Workflow Rules, and maintains accuracy by accounting for any partially missed multi-select question as 'missed' during the scoring process.

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