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About This Tool

Fiction is an AI writing tool that helps you write novels, short stories, and other forms of fiction. It uses a large language model to generate text that is both creative and engaging. Fiction can help you with everything from brainstorming ideas to polishing your final draft.

Here are some of the features that make Fiction a powerful tool for fiction writers

Brainstorming Fiction can help you generate ideas for your story, including characters, plots, and settings. You can simply type in a prompt, and Fiction will generate a list of ideas based on your input.

Writing Fiction can help you write your story by generating text, providing feedback, and suggesting edits. You can use Fiction to write your first draft, or you can use it to polish your final draft.

Revision Fiction can help you revise your story by identifying areas that need improvement. It can also help you find ways to make your story more engaging and interesting.

Fiction is a great tool for fiction writers of all levels. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, Fiction can help you write better stories

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