for GPTs

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About This Tool

The ' for GPTs' is a GPT that enables users to efficiently search and investigate parliamentary records based on news and text information. This GPT aids in the organized retrieval of information from parliamentary debate records, which can be relevant and beneficial for numerous applications such as journalistic research, policy formulation, studying societal impacts of legislation, among others. This tool can compile arguments, discussions, and decisions from parliamentary debates based on a specific query and consolidate them into a concise summary. From recognizing railway-related policy discussions to examining conversations surrounding wage hikes and tax reductions, this GPT offers flexibility in focusing on a wide range of topics. It can even handle more specific tasks such as summarizing a parliamentary debate about support for Ukraine in a limited number of words or exploring dissatisfaction related to NHK reception fees issues based on parliamentary records. Additionally, this tool can accurately list every participant in a debate while summarizing their positions. As such, ' for GPTs' provides an efficient way to navigate through and understand complex parliamentary transcripts and discussions.

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