
  • 48 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

FormalGPT is a specialized Generalized Pre-training Transformer (GPT) that focuses primarily on enhancing professional correspondence and documentation. It functions as an AI application built on ChatGPT, aiming to assist users with designing cover letters and CVs, and improving professional messaging. As an expert in this field, FormalGPT is designed to help tailor documents for job applications and professional communications. Besides crafting high-quality cover letters, it can suggest viable improvements to CVs, making them more appealing and comprehensive. Additionally, it can assist with rephrasing sentences, ensuring professional tone and clarity of your written communication. FormalGPT also aids in drafting professional emails, helping you deliver your message effectively. To interact with this GPT, users need to prompt or ask questions such as 'Create a cover letter for me', 'Can you suggest improvements for my CV?', or 'Help me draft a professional email'. Hence, FormalGPT serves as an invaluable tool for professionals looking to hone their formal writing skills or those in need of an efficient solution for creating compelling job application documents and professional messages.

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