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  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

GetPaths is a GPT designed to analyze and process digital content associated with a specific application. This GPT focuses on examining different types of content, including HTTP traffic, JavaScript files, and source code. Based on its analysis, GetPaths outputs consolidated lists of URLs. These URLs can then be utilized for further investigation or testing, providing a valuable starting point for user discovery and exploration. An interesting aspect of GetPaths' functionality lies in its ability to recognize themes within the domains it processes. In this context, themes can range from domains named after Greek gods or Marvel characters. This ability to surface theme patterns can offer insightful information about the naming structure and conceptual schemes adopted by the entities that utilize these domains. Beyond identifying existing domains, GetPaths can further generate suggestions of likely domains associated with a particular entity. By referencing the domains it has identified within the processed content, GetPaths extrapolates patterns to hypothesize about additional domains the entity could potentially be using. Another feature of GetPaths is the recognition of patterns in domains and paths. This capability may provide invaluable information about the structure and organization of the digital resources associated with an application. Lastly, based on the identified domains and paths, GetPaths can infer the likely technology stacks being used by the system. Such a feature can offer technical insights informing further testing or research regarding the application. It is notable that using GetPaths requires a ChatGPT Plus subscription. This subscription enables users to interact with GetPaths and utilize its AI-driven analytical capabilities.

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