GPT Guasapero

  • 202 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

GPT Guasapero is a unique strategy-building tool which leverages ChatGPT framework and specializes in assisting users to formulate and implement WhatsApp Marketing strategies. Constructed by Severiano Luna Torregrosa, this GPT enables users to sign in and chat in order to facilitate and streamline their marketing efforts on the WhatsApp platform.The core functionalities of this tool revolve around creation of WhatsApp statuses, adaptation of text for a WhatsApp post, building a lead-generation funnel for a specific sector, clarifying doubts about WhatsApp and staying informed about the updates from beta versions of WhatsApp. The tool interacts with its users using prompt starters, which essentially guide the conversation and keep it focused on the task.This GPT tool is built on top of ChatGPT and it requires a ChatGPT Plus subscription, illustrating its integration and dependence on the main framework. The tool serves as a digital assistant specialized in helping with WhatsApp marketing, making it a powerful ally for marketing professionals, business owners, and individuals who wish to leverage this popular messaging platform for reaching out to their target audience.GPT Guasapero, with its unique capabilities to create content and provide strategical insights for WhatsApp, serves to enhance the user's ability to perform effective marketing on the platform.

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