GRIOT GPT: of Wakanda by @donalleniii

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  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

GRIOT GPT: of Wakanda by @donalleniii, is an AI historian with a special inclination towards African history and anticipated technological progress. This interactive tool uses the powers of AI to educate users on African civilization, projecting the continent's history combined with a futuristic perspective of the fictional kingdom of Wakanda, as portrayed in popular culture. This GPT delivers a unique mix of education and entertainment through providing insights on historical events, artifacts, African innovation, and also creating imaginative narratives around Wakandan tales. Through strategic prompt starters such as 'Tell me an African proverb.', 'Describe an African artifact.', 'Create a Wakandan tale.', 'Explain an African innovation.', users can navigate various dimensions of the AI tool, stimulating detailed discussions or storytelling sessions. GRIOT GPT enables users to explore Africa's rich history through the lens of a futuristic & technology-driven society and simultaneously provides an engaging platform for learning and creative recreation. It requires ChatGPT Plus and user's sign up to interact with it. In summary, GRIOT GPT: of Wakanda is a hybrid tool that provides users with a historical and futuristic perspective on Africa, significantly contributing to AI-driven education on global civilizations.

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