Hercules by TestZeus

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About This Tool

Hercules is an open-source software testing agent that focuses on vertical testing. As an AI agent, it combines learning, memory, planning skills, and tool use to execute autonomous test automation without coding or manual maintenance. Set up is intended to be straightforward, with compatibility for Docker and PIP, exemplifying an efficient and flexible design. Hercules is capable of supporting a variety of AI models, including those from OpenAI, Groq, Llama, Mistral, or Anthropic. It simplifies traditionally challenging tasks like Salesforce UI testing and is built with inbuilt tools such as browsers, APIs, and databases. Moreover, Hercules can expand its toolset according to user requirements, illustrating adaptability and efficiency. Its designed to be globally accessible, offering multilingual capabilities, and it integrates seamlessly into CI/CD pipelines thanks to its Docker-native architecture. Notably, Hercules provides transparency in testing through its ability to record video of execution and capture network logs. Furthermore, Hercules removes the need to write complex scripts or look for locators, essentially handling the 'heavy lifting' in the testing process. This feature allows developers and testers more time to focus on building quality software. As an open-source tool, it provides users the freedom to inspect the code, contribute, or modify it to suit their needs. Hercules empowers users to achieve substantial automation coverage with AI testing agents, aiming to streamline the testing process and optimize the balance between cost, quality, and deadlines.

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