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About This Tool

/n Hila is an innovative tool that simplifies financial research by providing quick answers in earnings transcripts. The tool is designed with a document-centric approach, utilizing reliable primary data sources such as SEC filings and earnings calls. Hila's advanced algorithms and extensive source citation provide confidence scores, ensuring users can always verify their findings. With the ability to cover the S&P 500 and NIFTY 50, Hila streamlines the earnings research process, allowing users to quickly find answers without listening to lengthy calls or reading extensive transcripts. /n In addition to its document-centric approach, Hila offers natural language querying capabilities, enabling users to ask questions about as-reported cash flow, balance sheet, and income statements of S&P 500 companies. This feature makes it easy for users to extract valuable insights from large datasets without having to manually sift through pages of data. /n Hila's user-friendly interface allows users to upload their own PDF documents and start asking questions, with the tool taking care of parsing and cleanup. This feature makes it easy for users to incorporate their own data into the platform, whether it lives in Google Drive, a SQL database, a company intranet, or offline files. /n To further support its users, Hila offers limited free access, with the option to request early access to ask questions about S&P 500 and Nifty 50 companies. This allows users to try out the tool and experience its capabilities before committing to a paid subscription. /n Overall, Hila's reliable approach and use of extensive source citation make it a valuable tool in financial research. Its ability to simplify the earnings research process and provide fast answers in earnings transcripts makes it an indispensable resource for financial analysts, investors, and researchers. With its user-friendly interface and integration capabilities, Hila is poised to become a go-to platform for financial professionals looking to streamline their research process.

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