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  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

HorrorScopes is a GPT that provides an intriguing and unusual experience for users interested in astrology. Unlike traditional horoscopes, HorrorScopes adds a unique and exciting element to the practice by integrating an element of thrill into its readings. It is occasionally intense, hence, might not suit those on the more sensitive end of the spectrum. Built on the sturdy foundation of ChatGPT, this tool maintains the capacity to facilitate interactive dialogues with users. Because of the larger structure it is part of, HorrorScopes requires ChatGPT Plus, implying that accessibility to it is dependant on the subscription to this service. Its operation is primarily based on prompt starters, which are statements or phrases that initiate the generation of a horoscope. Examples include declarations such as 'Today's horrorscope for Libra' or 'Today's horrorscope for Pisces'. Additionally, these prompts can be adjusted according to user preferences to control the length and 'intensity' of the generated interactions, as characterized by settings like 'short' or 'medium', and 'mild' or 'hot'. This ability to cater to and be customized according to user preferences sets HorrorScopes apart in its field, making it a fascinating choice for those looking to explore astrology with a unique and thrilling twist.

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