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About This Tool

Hypercontext is an AI-powered tool that helps teams run better meetings and improve performance. It does this by providing a number of features, including

Collaborative meeting agendas Hypercontext allows teams to collaborate on shared agendas, which helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that important topics are covered.

Meeting notes Hypercontext automatically takes notes during meetings, which can be used to refer back to later or to share with other team members.

Meeting insights Hypercontext provides AI-powered insights into meeting performance, such as which topics are being discussed most frequently and which team members are contributing the most. This information can be used to improve future meetings and to identify areas where team members need additional support.

Real-time feedback Hypercontext allows team members to give and receive real-time feedback during meetings. This helps to keep meetings on track and to ensure that everyone is engaged.

Goal setting and tracking Hypercontext can be used to set and track goals for individuals and teams. This helps to keep everyone motivated and on track to achieve their goals.

Hypercontext is a valuable tool for teams of all sizes. It can help to improve meeting productivity, performance, and team collaboration

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