IMDb Rating Finder

  • 109 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

IMDb Rating Finder is a GPT that serves the purpose of sourcing IMDb ratings for movies based on user requests. It is specifically designed to interact with users who wish to know the IMDb scores for different movies. Users simply provide the title of a movie and the GPT looks up the rating on IMDb and provides the information. Possible usage scenarios involve scenarios like 'Can you tell me the IMDb score for 'The Godfather'?, I need the IMDb rating for 'Parasite'., What's the rating of 'Avatar' on IMDb?.'. The tool is accessible via a sign-up process and requires ChatGPT Plus. It provides a straightforward way for users to obtain IMDb ratings without having to manually search the IMDb database. Given the vast amount of data available on IMDb, this GPT can potentially save users time and streamline user experience. This tool is ideal for dedicated cinefiles, casual movie watchers, and anybody else interested in quickly and easily retrieving movie ratings from IMDb. It has been created by

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