Investment Banking Tech Prep with Recalc Academy

  • 56 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

Investment Banking Tech Prep with Recalc Academy is a GPT that specifically targets interview preparation in the field of investment banking. The critical emphasis of this tool is on improving users' technical aptitude in investment banking areas, including accounting, valuation and general investment banking technicalities. The GPT tool operates with an interactive questioning approach that encourages self-training through actual interview questions that users can practice. It offers a unique coaching feature, which delivers a simulation of the investment banking technical interview experience, enabling users to enhance their expertise and confidence in this domain. To use this tool, users need to have access to ChatGPT Plus, as it is built to function on top of that. Upon signing up, users receive a welcoming message and are introduced to a variety of prompt starters indicative of the tool's core capabilities. These prompts include 'I want to practice accounting questions', 'I want to practice valuation questions', and 'I want to practice general IB technical questions'. Practicing with these prompts helps users to solidify their technical knowledge base. This tool is user-focused, adaptable and aimed towards facilitating the most accurate interview preparation in the investment banking field.

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