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About This Tool

IPscreener is a powerful AI tool that simplifies patent searches and provides valuable insights for innovators and IP professionals. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, users can quickly and easily explore and understand patents. The tool offers a tailored dashboard of trends, activities, and competitors to inform decisions and stay ahead in the innovation landscape.

IPscreener's ability to analyze patent data quickly and accurately is unmatched, with an average search speed of just 2.9 seconds. This is due to the tool's advanced machine learning algorithms, which can process large amounts of data in real-time. The tool also guarantees maximum security and privacy, offering a private and encrypted vault for all user data, personal information, and invention ideas.

The tool is accessible to both innovators and IP professionals, with different starter options for each group. For innovators, the tool offers a free starter option that allows for basic patent searches and analysis. For IP professionals, the tool offers a premium starter option that provides advanced features such as patent landscaping and competitor analysis.

Overall, IPscreener aims to increase knowledge and help users make informed decisions in the innovation landscape. With its powerful AI capabilities and intuitive interface, the tool is an essential resource for anyone looking to explore and understand patents.

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