
  • 55 Favourites
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About This Tool

With its innovative features and ease of use, JobWizard is sure to revolutionize the job hunting landscape.

The following are the main features of JobWizard:

Auto-fill job applications: JobWizard can auto-fill job applications for over 2,000 positions daily, reducing the need for manual data entry.

Import work history from LinkedIn: The tool seamlessly imports work history from LinkedIn, further simplifying the application process.

Generate professional answers to common interview questions: JobWizard eliminates the need for time-consuming research by providing users with spot-on answers with just a tap.

Track applications in real-time: JobWizard allows users to track their applications in real-time, ensuring they don't miss any important updates.

Enhance networking opportunities: JobWizard aims to empower users in their job search by enhancing their networking opportunities.

Provide interview coaching: The tool offers interview coaching to help users prepare for their interviews.

Offer insights into industry salaries: JobWizard provides insights into industry salaries, helping users make informed decisions and improve their overall job hunting experience.

JobWizard is currently available for free beta testing, with affordable pricing options for long-term use. With its innovative features and ease of use, JobWizard is sure to revolutionize the job hunting landscape.

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