Keywords Everwhere

  • 61 Favourites
  • Paid
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About This Tool

Keywords Everywhere is an advanced tool that empowers users to discover long-tail phrases by providing accurate search volume, CPC, and competition data. It goes beyond keyword research by offering valuable insights into user behavior and preferences. With the ability to retrieve "People Also Search For" data along with volume metrics, Keywords Everywhere allows users to explore related keywords and gain a comprehensive understanding of search trends. Moreover, the tool leverages Google Trends to estimate historical search volumes, enabling users to analyze and track search patterns over time at various levels of granularity. By providing page and website level traffic metrics and keywords, Keywords Everywhere offers valuable information on the top 5000 keywords a webpage or website ranks for in Google's top 20 search results, along with estimated traffic data. Additionally, the tool introduces ChatGPT templates, which generate detailed prompts tailored to specific jobs, enabling users to create compelling content with ease. Users can even customize the writing style and tone of voice to align with their brand identity. With its comprehensive features and data-driven insights, Keywords Everywhere is an indispensable tool for optimizing content, improving search visibility, and staying ahead in the competitive digital landscape.

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