Live Captions

  • 52 Favourites
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About This Tool

Live Captions is an AI-powered tool that provides real-time transcription of speech into text. This makes it easier for people who are deaf or hard of hearing to follow along with conversations, presentations, and other audio content. Live Captions can also be used to create transcripts of audio recordings, which can be helpful for students, researchers, and anyone else who needs to access the spoken word in written form.

Live Captions is powered by a combination of speech recognition and machine learning technology. This allows it to accurately transcribe a wide range of speech, including accents, dialects, and background noise. Live Captions is also able to keep up with fast-paced speech, making it ideal for use in live settings such as classrooms, meetings, and conferences.

In addition to its accuracy, Live Captions is also very easy to use. Simply start the tool and speak into your microphone. Live Captions will automatically transcribe your speech into text, which will appear on your screen in real time. You can also adjust the settings of Live Captions to customize the appearance of the text and the way it is displayed.

Live Captions is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to make audio content more accessible. It is easy to use, accurate, and affordable. If you are looking for a way to improve the accessibility of your audio content, Live Captions is a great option.

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