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About This Tool

Meetly AI is an AI-powered meeting assistant that helps you take meeting notes and action items. It is designed to help you stay present and connected with the people on your call, without having to worry about taking notes yourself. Meetly AI automatically takes meeting notes, identifies key topics and action items, and summarizes the meeting in a clear and concise way. You can then review, edit, and share the notes with your meeting participants.

Meetly AI is a great way to save time and improve your meeting productivity. It is also a valuable tool for ensuring that all important decisions and action items are captured and followed up on.

Here are some of the key features of Meetly AI

Automatic meeting notes Meetly AI automatically takes meeting notes, including the speaker, the key topics discussed, and the action items.

Key topic identification Meetly AI identifies the key topics discussed in the meeting and highlights them in the notes.

Action item tracking Meetly AI tracks the action items from the meeting and reminds you to follow up on them.

Comprehensive meeting summary Meetly AI provides a comprehensive summary of the meeting, including the key topics discussed, the action items, and any decisions made.

Easy to use Meetly AI is easy to use and can be integrated with your favorite video conferencing platform.

Here are some of the benefits of using Meetly AI

Save time Meetly AI can save you hours every week by taking meeting notes for you.

Improve productivity Meetly AI can help you stay focused and engaged during meetings, so you can make better decisions and get more done.

Ensure meeting follow-up Meetly AI can help you track action items and ensure that they are followed up on.

Get more out of your meetings Meetly AI can help you get more out of your meetings by providing you with a comprehensive summary of the discussion

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