NEWS Summarizer

  • 183 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

NEWS Summarizer is a GPT that specializes in delivering summarizations of current news. As its core functionality, it aims to provide users with concise, easily-digestible overviews of the latest happenings, enabling them to stay informed without getting overwhelmed by the in-depth details typically associated with news reporting. As an added benefit, this GPT is particularly crafted to keep political bias out of its summarizations, offering a neutral overview of the current news landscape. Users are also given the ability to prompt the GPT for the next topic they are interested in, encouraging a dynamic interaction according to the users' preferences and concerns. Built on top of ChatGPT, NEWS Summarizer requires ChatGPT Plus to operate. To use this tool, users need to sign in or sign up, after which they are greeted with a welcoming message and can then start interacting with the GPT tool for their current news summaries.

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