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About This Tool

Previously known as SimilarContent, Onpage.ai is an AI-powered SEO assistant designed to offer immediate SEO metrics, advice, and AI-SEO content tailored to individual needs. This platform maximizes Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Generative Pretrained Transformer 3 (GPT3) capabilities to generate SEO-friendly content in a user-friendly manner. The application offers a step-by-step guide starting with keyword targeting, where users can select their target market and receive an analysis of the top ten live results. Onpage.ai is capable of performing this analysis across numerous languages and geographical locations. The application then assists users to optimize and automate their content writing with the aid of facts, entities, and SEO sentences, simplifying the SEO content creation process. Finally, users can predict their content's ranking prior to publishing, using the AI-powered keyword ranking tool. This tool identifies potential keyword rankings and predicts the positioning of the content in search engine results pages, saving time and resources by removing the guesswork in content marketing. Onpage.ai also features an SEO editor and readability checker, helping to ensure that the content created is not just SEO-optimized, but also reader-friendly.

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