Petalica Paint

  • 37 Favourites
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About This Tool

Petalica Paint is an AI-powered automatic colorization tool that can help you bring your black and white sketches to life. With Petalica Paint, you can simply upload your sketch, and the AI will automatically colorize it in one of three styles Tanpopo, Satsuki, or Canna. You can also refine the strokes of your sketch and add color hints to influence the colorization.

Petalica Paint is a great tool for artists of all skill levels. Whether you're a beginner who wants to add some color to your sketches, or a professional artist who wants to save time on coloring, Petalica Paint can help you create beautiful, realistic colorizations.

In addition to being a powerful colorization tool, Petalica Paint is also a great way to learn about AI. The tool uses a deep learning algorithm to colorize sketches, and you can see how the algorithm works by viewing the intermediate results. This can help you understand how AI works and how it can be used to create art.

If you're looking for an easy way to color your sketches, or if you want to learn more about AI, then Petalica Paint is a great tool for you

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