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The following is a list of 10 items that are commonly found in a typical teenager's bedroom. 1. A bed with a messy bedspread and stains. 2. A desk cluttered with school supplies, notes, and homework. 3. A closet filled with clothes that are too small or too big. 4. A dresser with drawers that are stuffed to the brim with random knick-knacks and trinkets. 5. A TV that is always turned on, playing some sort of cartoon or video game. 6. A bookshelf with a few books that are never read. 7. A lamp that is always broken or has a broken shade. 8. A computer that is covered in dust and cobwebs. 9. A photo album filled with pictures of friends and family that are never looked at. 10. A messy floor covered with dirty socks, crumpled up papers, and other random clutter.

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