Script Smith

  • 57 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

Script Smith is a Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) that focuses on creating Bash one-liners and scripts as demand dictates. Central to its functionality is its ability to take on tasks related to script development in Bash, tailored closely to the user's requirements. Its interface communicates with users through prompts that shape the script development path: 'Write a one-liner to', 'Create a script for', 'Generate a Bash command to', or 'I need a Bash one-liner for'. Upon receiving the prompt, the GPT processes it and then produces the desired one-liner or script. The process does not require extensive input from the user, which saves time and enhances the convenient generation of scripts. The tool is built upon the core ChatGPT software, hence it requires a ChatGPT Plus subscription to operate. It can be pretty useful for coders, developers, system administrators, or anyone else who might need to generate Bash scripts or commands without investing significant manual effort. Script Smith provides a unique blend of functionality and flexibility while enhancing coding efficiency.

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