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SEOJuicev2.0 image

About This Tool

Seo Juice is an AI-powered tool designed to automate the process of internal SEO linking for a website. Its fundamental purpose is to ease the burden of manual keyword addition for each new article by using AI to carry out research and generate internal links. Users simply add their domain, and the tool crawls the sitemap and inserts links into the webpage via a simple JavaScript snippet. This technology is intended to save time on keyword research and improve the SEO performance of a site.Seo Juice can be easily integrated into any platform. The installation process involves dropping in a single JS line, which then fetches AI-generated links and replaces them in blog posts, articles or content pages. Deleting unwanted keywords can also be done manually.The tool is designed with the intent of privacy and doesn't gather any user data. It also includes internal reporting features to keep track of inserted links. The AI models used for link and keyword generation are kept up-to-date to ensure the tool remains effective for its users. Pricing is designed to suit different sizes of businesses, and the tool is advertised as being quick to set up and use.Created with a focus on simplicity, Seo Juice requires no contracts and has no hidden fees. While the tool is useful for professionals, it was initially designed to help the creator with their own blog. Ideal for those who want an automated, straightforward approach to internal SEO linking.

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