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About This Tool

SoundBetter is an AI-powered communication editing tool that helps users communicate professionally. It is integrated with Slack and Telegram, enabling users to quickly and easily use slash commands and direct messages to convert their messages into more formal, professional language.

SoundBetter uses a large language model to understand the meaning and sentiment of a user's message, and then suggests edits that make the message more appropriate for a professional context. For example, SoundBetter might suggest replacing informal language with more formal language, or adding more detail to a message to make it more persuasive.

SoundBetter is free to use and is ideal for anyone who struggles to express themselves professionally in the workplace, such as team leads who need to terminate a subordinate's employment, or employees who need to give a presentation to senior management.

Here are some of the benefits of using SoundBetter

Improve your professional communication skills SoundBetter can help you learn how to write more formal, professional language, and how to use more persuasive language.

Save time SoundBetter can save you time by suggesting edits to your messages, so you don't have to spend as much time editing your messages manually.

Make a good impression SoundBetter can help you make a good impression on your colleagues, clients, and customers by ensuring that your communication is professional and polished.

Here are some of the key features of SoundBetter

Integration with Slack and Telegram SoundBetter is integrated with Slack and Telegram, so you can use it to edit your messages directly in your chat apps.

Large language model SoundBetter uses a large language model to understand the meaning and sentiment of your messages, and then suggest edits that make them more appropriate for a professional context.

Free to use SoundBetter is free to use, so you can start using it right away to improve your professional communication skills.

If you're looking for an AI-powered tool to help you communicate professionally, then SoundBetter is a great option. It's free to use, easy to integrate with your existing chat apps, and it can help you save time and make a good impression

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