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About This Tool

Spinach.io The AI Scrum Master for Agile Teams

Spinach.io is an AI-powered tool that helps agile teams stay on track. It joins your meetings, takes notes, generates action items, and updates Jira tickets. Spinach is powered by GPT-4, a state-of-the-art natural language processing technology, and is integrated with Zoom, Atlassian, and Slack.

Here are some of the benefits of using Spinach.io

Efficient meetings Spinach takes notes and generates action items in real time, so you can focus on the discussion.

Up-to-date Jira tickets Spinach automatically updates Jira tickets with the decisions and action items from your meetings.

Stakeholder communication Spinach can write stakeholder reports that summarize your meetings and action items.

No human Scrum master required Spinach can replace the need for a human Scrum master, freeing up your team to focus on development.

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