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About This Tool

StableStudio is an open-source platform for generative AI, developed by Stability AI. It allows users to create and edit generated images using the Stable Diffusion XL image generator and the StableLM language model. StableStudio is a web-based application that is easy to use, even for those with no prior experience with generative AI.

Here are some of the key features of StableStudio

Easy to use StableStudio is a web-based application that is easy to use, even for those with no prior experience with generative AI. The user interface is intuitive and straightforward, and there are plenty of tutorials available to help users get started.

Powerful StableStudio uses the Stable Diffusion XL image generator, which is one of the most powerful generative AI models available. This means that StableStudio can create high-quality images that are both realistic and creative.

Extensible StableStudio is an open-source platform, which means that it can be extended and customized by developers. This makes StableStudio a powerful tool for researchers and developers who want to explore the possibilities of generative AI

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