
  • 46 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

StoicGPT is an AI tool designed to impart wisdom inspired by Stoic philosophy, similar to the teachings of Marcus Aurelius. This GPT utilizes its intelligence to engage users in insightful conversations, aiming to support individuals seeking guidance or advice founded in Stoic beliefs. The foundation of StoicGPT's interactivity is based on a series of prompt starters, such as 'How can I be more virtuous?', 'Deal with stress?', 'Improve self-discipline?' and 'Handle difficult people?'. These prompts are intended to spur meaningful and helpful dialogues, reflecting the principles of Stoicism. Users can use StoicGPT to explore their questions and challenges in a new light, infused with Stoic wisdom. As it is built on the ChatGPT platform, it requires ChatGPT Plus to function properly which implies that it brings together the cognitive abilities of ChatGPT and the philosophical insights of Stoicism. It's important to note that while StoicGPT is a digital device imparting Stoic wisdom, it doesn't replace professional guidance. It is a supportive tool offering philosophical insights for personal reflection and should be used prudently.

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