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About This Tool

TalkBerry is an AI-powered tool that helps job seekers practice their English and interview skills. It provides a safe and supportive environment to simulate a job interview with an AI interviewer. TalkBerry offers instant feedback and personalized suggestions, powered by ChatGPT, to help users improve their spoken English and hone their interview skills. It also provides valuable insights into strengths and weaknesses, ensuring readiness for success.


Simulated job interviews TalkBerry allows users to simulate a job interview with an AI interviewer. The interviewer asks a variety of questions, covering a wide range of topics. Users can practice their answers to these questions and receive instant feedback from the AI interviewer.

Personalized suggestions TalkBerry's AI interviewer provides personalized suggestions to help users improve their spoken English and interview skills. These suggestions are based on the user's performance in the simulated interviews.

Insights into strengths and weaknesses TalkBerry provides users with insights into their strengths and weaknesses in terms of English and interview skills. This information can help users focus their practice on the areas where they need the most improvement.

Accessibility TalkBerry is accessible anytime, anywhere. Users can access the tool on their computer, tablet, or smartphone.


Improved English skills TalkBerry can help users improve their spoken English skills by providing them with a safe and supportive environment to practice. The AI interviewer's feedback and suggestions can help users identify and correct their mistakes.

Hone interview skills TalkBerry can help users hone their interview skills by providing them with the opportunity to practice answering a variety of interview questions. The AI interviewer's feedback and suggestions can help users improve their answers and make a better impression in real-world interviews.

Increased confidence TalkBerry can help users increase their confidence in their English and interview skills. By practicing with the AI interviewer, users can get used to answering questions in a professional setting. This can help them feel more confident when they are faced with a real-world interview.

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