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About This Tool

Tapflow is an AI-powered talent sourcing tool designed to streamline the recruitment process. The tool analyzes a job description, creates an ideal candidate persona, and generates online searches for candidate profiles aligning with this persona. It pulls candidates from online sources, eliminating the need for manual boolean searches and filters. It is equipped to analyze, score, and rank these candidate profiles on the basis of an AI algorithm. The highest-ranked profiles are converted into applicants as the tool auto-sends personalized emails to them.Tapflow functions with attributes derived from the job description. It can read between the lines and go beyond simple keyword matching to understand the qualities required for a position. The scores given to candidate profiles are based on the degree of matching to these attributes. The tool also has smart filters based on processed information, enabling accurate results. The sourcing session results can be exported to a CSV file for connecting with candidates. Furthermore, Tapflow facilitates team collaboration and has the ability to integrate emails to reach out to candidates.The advantage of using Tapflow is that it optimizes your hiring process by sourcing high-quality talent efficiently and swiftly. It enhances not only the quality of candidates but also the conversion rate, fundamentally improving the overall hiring performance.

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