Tip Of Your Tongue

  • 35 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

Tip Of Your Tongue is a GPT built atop OpenAI's ChatGPT. The GPT is specifically designed to assist users who encounter difficulties in remembering specific pieces of information, including but not limited to, song names, movie actors, book titles, and app names. This tool performs its tasks by interacting with users through a conversational interface. Users might start their requests with phrases such as 'What's the song that goes like this?', 'Who's the actor in that movie?', 'I'm trying to remember a book title?', 'What's the name of that app?'. These types of inquiries provide a context for Tip Of Your Tongue to understand and subsequently generate the most relevant responses. One of the notable aspects of this tool is its ability to engage users in a conversational manner, creating an interactive and engaging user experience. Tip Of Your Tongue requires the use of ChatGPT Plus for functionality.

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