TruthPix - AI Detector is an application designed to recognize and evaluate images that have been altered using AI technologies. This tool is especially proficient in handling portraits. It provides a secure, fast and accurate detection mechanism, analyzing and identifying AI-altered images directly from your device. TruthPix primarily assists in mitigating the risk of misinformation sparked by malicious usage of AI-generated images which can appear in various forms such as ads, scams, politics, dating, and entertainment. The detection is purely on-device which means no data is transmitted to servers, ensuring the utmost privacy of the user's content. It employs advanced AI detection to expose AI-generated alterations. The AI tool is majorly optimized for mobile devices, constructed within the constraints of memory and CPU speed. It also demonstrates a considerable field of detection, which includes techniques like GANs, Diffusion Models, Style Transfer, Latent Space Manipulation artifacts and can even identify face swapping deepfakes from a single frame in a video. TruthPix is primarily designed to detect altered human portraits, however, its accuracy may differ in a minor fraction of cases. Constant updates are implemented to the tool's Machine Learning models to accommodate new cloning techniques. TruthPix assures users in navigating the digital world with confidence knowing the authenticity of images they interact with.