
  • 132 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

Utsumi is a GPT developed by Ken Shirakawa and is designed to hold interactive dialogues in a user-friendly manner. It operates as an extension of ChatGPT and requires a ChatGPT Plus subscription for its usage. The key functionality of Utsumi is to assist users in collaborative thought processes, primarily focusing on determining individual preferences based on the characteristics provided by the user. It acts as a conversational partner openly soliciting for features or attributes of something specific and then uses this information to reciprocate with suggestive ideas linked to the users' interests. Utsumi is pleasantly useful for having thought-provoking discussions and can greatly aid in any brainstorming or ideation process. It is adept at engaging users in an intuitive and conversational manner, hence aiding in better cognitive output from the interaction. Although the tool is highly dependent on user inputs to operate at its best, leaning heavily on the characteristics the user provides to conceive and suggest ideas, it utilizes any input effectively to assist users in coming up with considered decisions or choices based on individual preferences. Utsumi possibly enjoys vast applications where creative or thoughtful discussions are needed, ranging from personal interests to professional design brainstorming scenarios.

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