Website Design Guru

  • 11 Favourites
  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

Website Design Guru is a Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) that employs the power of ChatGPT to help improve your website's User Experience and design. Its primary objective is to guide users in enhancing their websites, drawing inspiration from technology icons to produce optimal results. The tool offers insightful feedback and suggestions to make your site more interactive, engaging, and user-friendly. One of the key interactions with Website Design Guru is the ability to upload your site's screenshot to get tips tailored specifically to your website's UX. This way, it provides specific, action-oriented advice that fits your particular needs. Moreover, the GPT encourages users to show their code to get feedback on their site's design, making it a practical tool even for those who build their websites from scratch. In addition, the tool is equipped to conduct a design review if you send your User Interface (UI). This feature is especially beneficial for those who want an unbiased, expert review of their designs before publishing. If you're looking to make your website engaging and captivating for visitors, then Website Design Guru can guide you on achieving this through its interactive and user-centric approach.Users must note that Website Design Guru requires ChatGPT Plus, implying that users should have access to this to make the most out of this GPT. Once connected, users are welcomed with a friendly message to start enhancing their site's UX and design. All in all, the tool is an exciting addition to the repertoire of web developers, designers, or anyone interested in improving their website's appearance and functionality.

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