ZeroStep's AI tool enhances Playwright tests by providing an ai() function that simplifies and makes them more resilient to changes. This function allows users to provide plain-text instructions to determine actions to take at runtime, rather than relying on CSS selectors or XPath locators. ZeroStep seamlessly integrates with Playwright, enabling users to incorporate AI into their tests without altering their development workflow.
With ZeroStep, users can script complex interactions and assertions using plain-text instructions, such as booking the next available timeslot, searching and verifying the first organic search result, getting the latest stock price, viewing article history and verifying the earliest revision, going to a specific section and verifying if an ad is displayed, and counting the number of labels in a repository. This tool offers a simplified API named ai() that accepts plain-text instructions and integrates with Playwright's API and Playwright test framework.
By leveraging the power of AI provided by ZeroStep, users can expect increased simplicity and resilience in their Playwright tests. ZeroStep implements directly into Playwright with the npm i @zerostep/playwright -D command, making it easy to get started with the tool. In conclusion, ZeroStep's AI tool offers a powerful and seamless integration with Playwright, enabling users to simplify and make their tests more resilient to changes.